Command And Control Ebook


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Command And Control Ebook You will learn how to take command of your mind in the coming year.

Whether we realize it or not, we are responsible for creating and reshaping our lives. The entire things that become essential parts of our lives and the physical reality are actually first created within our minds from raw materials called thoughts.

It is really important to understand your mind and how your mind works. Today, the word subconscious mind is the term that is mostly heard but hardly understood. The work of your subconscious mind is actually to take thought, which serves as pure energy and provide it with a physical shape within the material world.

In This Command And Control Ebook, You Will Learn:

  •  The Basics Of Self-Control
  • Identify Where Your Life Is Out Of Control
  • How Your Thoughts Affect Your Life
  • Learn To Think Positive
  • Using Affirmations

And so much more!


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